Linda Appel Lipsius ’22
Executive Director
Denver Urban Gardens
I am currently the Executive Director of Denver Urban Gardens (DUG). Started in 1985, DUG is one of the country’s largest community garden organizations with 190 gardens across 6 counties in Metro Denver accounting for 33 acres greened, 650,000lbs of food grown (of which 10% is donated), 17,500 gardeners and over 40,000 people impacted through DUG’s garden, education, food access and volunteer programs.
I am also a Co-Founder of Teatulia Organic Teas, a Benefit Corporation. I work with my partners in Bangladesh to bring premium, 100% Organic, direct-sourced teas & herbs from our 3,000 acre regenerative organic tea garden to the United States. Teatulia produces innovative, delicious & award-winning hot teas, iced teas & canned teas that are sold throughout the US in grocery, mass, foodservice, online and as an ingredient. I am thrilled and honored to have built a universally-respected brand known for doing things better and using business as a force for good.
I am a public speaker on topics ranging from entrepreneurship to sustainable business practices to the food & beverage industry in general.
In 2012, I also started the mama ‘hood, a shop & studio for new & expecting moms & their families. Previously, I was VP International with Orange Glo International (OGI) – makers of OxiClean, Kaboom, Orange Glo and Orange Clean – and Account Manager for Young & Rubicam.
A Denver Native, I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from Columbia University in New York City and MBA in Finance and Organizational Management from New York University before moving to Washington, DC, London, Los Angeles then back to Denver. I live in Downtown Denver with my filmmaker husband and two children. I currently serve on the board of Colorado Public Radio. In my spare time, I hang with my kiddos, escape to the mountains, devour movies & books and run, cycle and practice yoga to keep my head & heart clear.